Aluminum Oxide Flap Disc
These cost effective and long lasting discs are great for hard to grind metals such as brass, bronze, stainless steel, and titanium. The depressed centers make it ideal for right angle grinding for difficult jobs
Zirconia Flap Disc
Great for blending and grinding more ferrous metals, these zirconia flap discs are very durable and absorbs vibration. Much like the aluminum flap discs, the zirconia discs have type 27 depressed centers making it great for right angle grinding.
Five 4 1/2" Cutting Wheels
These resin bonded aluminum oxide abrasive cutting discs allows for efficient and economical cutting.
With a 7/8" arbor it will fit most angle grinders on the North American market.
3" Wire Cup Brush
These steel wire brushes are can get through the most stubborn of rusts or paints on a piece of metal.
The crimped wires allow for conformity amongst different shapes. No longer do you have to worry about a wire brush potentially ruining your work.